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博士学位s in Business: How to Find The Best 程序 For You

长期以来,MBA一直被认为是管理或执行层面的商业专业人士的标准. 但随着越来越多的领导者拥有mba学位,他们不再像过去那样与众不同. 随着商业挑战变得越来越复杂, technology rapidly advances 和 consumer behaviors change, 商学博士学位是许多商业领袖用来提升自己技能的一项投资.

如果你有成为高管的抱负, 想要加薪, 并获得可以为您的组织提供竞争优势的研究技能, a doctorate degree in business can help you achieve your goals.
But how do you find the right business doctorate program for you? 第一个, 你需要明白,在商业-学术领域有两种主要类型的博士课程, Ph值理论.D. programs 和 professional, applied doctorate programs. 和, 让它变得更复杂, there are multiple degrees for business professionals within each category. That’s why we want to make your options clear.

Should You Earn A Theoretical 博士学位 or Professional 博士学位?


The answer to this question really lies in your professional aspirations. 简而言之, 这可以归结为一个简单的问题:你是想用你的职业生涯来教授商业领袖还是带领企业发展?
理论博士是Ph.D.’s. If you want to spend your career as a business professor, or in a research capacity to support businesses, Ph值.D. 在商业上可能是最好的选择. Ph.D programs focus heavily on academic research.


获得博士学位既具有挑战性又有回报,但你知道真正的期望是什么吗? Download this free guide for tips 和 insights to help you prepare for success.


These are sometimes called an Applied 博士学位. 这种类型的商业博士学位侧重于应用研究和商业理论来解决现实世界的商业挑战. If you want to spend your career leading a business, 或者咨询业务, 这可能是你的方向.  
It should be noted that both programs are very research-intensive. 毕竟,博士学位是你能获得的最高水平的教育成就. 不同之处在于研究的重点.
“A doctorate is not like another master’s degree,” comments Dr. Tim Reymann, 程序 Chair, 工商管理博士 at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行“它比你获得的任何其他学位都需要更多的阅读、写作和研究. 确保你做了大量的反思,你需要什么才能成功. I tell students to look for a degree you’re passionate about, 知识渊博、敬业的教职员工,以及为博士生建立支持系统的机构.”



Here are many doctoral programs aimed at helping business leaders succeed. Here are three of the leading choices—和 who is the ideal fit for each.
这是一个专业的博士学位,旨在帮助领导者通过先进的研究创造转型变革, 分析, 以及领导能力.
“DBA学位面向那些想要实际应用学位的专业人士,博士说。. Reymann, “他们通常在企业部门工作,希望在组织的管理方面有所提升, or want to teach applied business theory at a university.”
通过攻读DBA学位, you’ll gain a deeper underst和ing of key business dynamics like global economics, 政府监管, technological advancements 和 an increasingly dynamic workforce. 有了这些研究技能和新知识, you will be able to recognize business opportunities, 产生创新的解决方案, 自信地领导一个团队或组织, or pursue a role as a faculty member teaching these subjects.
Ph.D. 工商管理

“大多数人都想获得博士学位.D. 正在寻找一线或二线大学的教师职位,在那里他们可以全职教学并进行原创性研究,博士说。. Reymann.
技术的快速发展和商业环境的演变为博士学位的严谨研究提供了许多机会.D. 工商管理专业可以提供.
Doctor of 教育 in Organizational Leadership (Ed.D)
一个教育.D. 应用博士学位是为教育领域的行政和管理人员做准备的吗.
“Ed.D. programs apply management principles to the education field,博士说。. Reymann. “这些课程非常适合那些想在教育领域担任管理或领导职位的人,比如校长, 负责人, 以及大学管理人员.”
通过获得教育.D., 你将学习如何运用尖端的教育理论,并将其应用于教育系统中的挑战,以创造真正的变革——无论是改善学校还是增加受教育机会.

5 Questions To Determine Which 博士学位 Is Right For You

选择合适的学位类型是一个非常个人化和非常重要的决定. It will have an impact on your education experience 和 your career opportunities. 当你研究学位和机构时, make sure you are choosing the right degree to empower your future.
Here are five key questions to help you find the program that works best for you:

  • 我理想的职业是什么?
  • What type of research am I most interested in conducting?
  • What type of organization do I want to work for?
  • What value do I want to contribute to an organization or the world?
  • 我理想的工作环境是什么样的?

3 Key Questions To Ask When Deciding Where You’ll Earn Your 博士学位

那么,你选择了一个学位. 伟大的! Earning that doctoral degree will be an intensive process. 在选择商科博士项目时, 你应该找到一个以学生为中心的项目,在整个过程中为你提供支持. Here’s what to ask to find a program that works best for you:
What type of educational experience am I looking for?

There are three instruction methods in doctoral programs: in-person, 在线和混合, which is a combination of in-person 和 online. 在为自己选择合适的工作时,灵活性通常是决定因素. 大多数面对面的课程都是全日制的, which limits your ability to keep your job while getting your degree. 在线课程 允许你在你的时间表上完成学位,这样你就不必暂停你的职业生涯. 混合项目, 另一方面, may be right for professionals who choose an online program with a local campus.
What type of support will I need to be successful?

一些博士课程让人感觉像是孤独的经历,尤其是在网上完成的. 但如果你正在寻找高水平的支持,合适的在线课程将会提供. 从教师顾问到个人图书馆员和合作学习经验, 一个支持性的项目会让你在博士学位的每一步都接触到合适的人和资源.

Make sure you choose a program that offers the right balance of flexibility 和 structured learning. You want flexibility in the number of courses you take, when you complete coursework 和 how you conduct research. 结构应该体现在课程的教学方式和循序渐进的论文过程中,它可以消除障碍,为你的成功奠定基础.
“在十大正规赌博平台大全排行,每个博士生都有一位指导教师。. Reymann. “They check in with students at least once a month to talk about their progress, 回答问题, 并帮助清除路障. 即使是在线课程, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行相信高度参与和与学生建立一对一的关系.”


Only 2% of professionals complete a doctoral degree, so pursuing a terminal degree is inherently challenging 和 extremely rewarding. 探索 十大正规赌博平台大全排行's 工商管理博士(DBA)Doctor of 教育 in Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.) 看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行有多灵活, 以学生为中心的课程可以帮助你成功地获得商业博士学位,让你具备领导所需的技能.
